Daily NoPD/NoPD's Thoughts

Push-up challenge <day 3>, do your best!

노피디! 2020. 10. 28. 11:10

Doing something everyday is not an easy thing. If it's related to exercise, it's more difficult. Writing blog article everyday is my way to make motivate to myself. As you are reading this article without any permission, posting itself is opened to public internet. Why? Opens to anonymous will make me be careful more to keep my plan and objectives.


There are two types of people when they try to achive something. One is open their plan and progress continuously publicly, like share it with friends or family. The other type is keep secret till they achive their objective, and want to make friends surprise. What is your type? I'm first one since I was young. It make some pressure to myself, and it makes me to do my best.


If you have any plans you wants to have, share it with somebody. It will helpful to you. 




