Push-up challenge <day 4>, with my son today..!Daily NoPD/NoPD's Thoughts 2020. 10. 28. 23:58728x90
Kids are always try to do same thing with their parents. So do my son. Due to my wife's schedule, I've worked from home this morning and my son stayed home due to it's not his day for school. (He took a lecture online) While he was listening lectures on e-학습터, I've tried push-up with my camera on.
He saw my posture and wanted to do same thing with me. Suprisingly, he did push-up well than me...! If you see below video that I took, you may find my son and his porture is better than me. He loves to do any sports with me. As he grows up, he is doing better than me in almost every sports. His favorite sports star is Son who play for Tottenham Hotspot in UK. Son, I'm always the best supporter for you. Try premiere league... :-)